When do I dare test?
My stats:
I am only on CD20.
But I believe I ovulated CD12.
So I am now 9 DPO.
I have one POAS test left. I am superstitiously not buying a new pack because I don't want to test again until we are trying for number 3!
Protected: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
6 years ago
Hm, if you're 9 dpo, and you only have one test left... wait! Hold out as long as you can, at least till 14 dpo.
ReplyDeleteGood luck!
This is such a hard one. With my first pregnancy I tested at 10 DPO - nothing. 12 DPO - nothing. Then suddenly at 14 or 15 DPO there was the second line I'd been waiting for all those months. In other words, of course you can test on the early side, but it may not give you the accurate result, in which case you just end up buying another test anyway. It's maddening I say! Also, it seems like there's really no "wrong" day to test as long as you keep in mind the limitations of the "early" pregnancy test. Best of luck - whichever way you decide!