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30 August 2009


Another miscarriage.

The emotional pain is coming in waves.

But mostly I just feel an emptiness in my stomach.


  1. Oh Red, I have tears running down my face as I write this comment. I am so so sorry for your loss... I wish there was something I could say or do but I just wanted to send you lots and lots of hugs your way...

  2. Oh no!

    My thoughts and prayers are with you right now...I just wish I could do more.

  3. Oh my God. I am so sick to read this... crying tears across the miles for your loss. I just told DH and my mom (they are watching TV with me), as they "know" you from your thoughtful comments on my blog. For what it's worth, we are all thinking of you right now and praying for your strength and healing.

    :( :( :(
