Two pregnancies have resulted from our two 'tries' (albeit with only one baby actually being born). It is an interesting position to be in.
Today is CD15; and right on my military-style cycle schedule, I am ovulating.
I know that nothing in this life is certain, but I can hypothesise based on those odds that, should Cowboy and I 'try' again in any given month, another pregnancy will be the result (although I have no clue as to the odds of this one resulting in another actual baby being born).
There is no halfway in our thinking. I can not really rely on the 'not trying, not preventing' method; when we do that, two lines seem to appear on my pee stick.
I either try, or I do not. There is no maybe.
This month I will not try.
I am curious as to when I will be ready to try again. I just can't seem to put my hopes and dreams 'out there' again. It hurts too much. It is easier to be in control and know that I will not have a baby 9 months from now, and that it will have been my decision.
Protected: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
6 years ago
So you are the Yoda of baby making. (do or do not. there is no try). I understand your hesitation. I've never suffered a pregnancy loss, but I've had many, many negatives. This is our first month of really trying for #2 (with IUI), and I dread the maybe/maybe not thing.