Well, here I am, full term and thoroughly 'over it' but still enjoying the relative serenity of only having one child to physically take care of day to day.
Up until last week, I was doing pretty well I think. I was still taking Champ for outings most days and feeling pretty good in general. Almost exactly as I hit 37 weeks I suddenly feel like I can not do anything much at all. An attempted walk to the (very close) local park on Monday left me breathless before I even started pushing Champ on the swing and Thursday saw me skip music class so we could just play on the floor with Champ's toys all day. As Cowboy says though 'I don't blame you hun, you are about to pop!'.
And about to pop I certainly am. This baby is lower than I ever remember Champ being. I fear she is about to take up residence in my boots. I am BH-ing all over the place with the occasional 'real' contraction thrown in just for fun.
BUT, the nursery is not ready (or even finished being painted) so I am hoping to keep her on the inside for at least another week! Add to that the enjoyment I am getting from spending lots of one on one time with Champ and my legs are firmly crossed.
Protected: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
6 years ago