Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

08 February 2010


Lucky to have a strong heartbeat (169 bpm); Lucky to be tall (2 cm crown to rump); Lucky to be here.

I was also lucky to not require the wand, full bladders are very uncomfortable but external ultrasounds are a lot easier.

Ultrasound went great. Lucky was measuring big (8w5d as opposed to 8w1d) but that is more in line with when I believe I ovulated given my short cycles (day 12), which would have me at 8w3d. Allowing for a couple of days measuring error means I am pretty much on track. Or maybe he/she will just be tall!

I have finally started to believe that I might actually get a baby out of this in September.


  1. That's good news! I'm hoping Lucky lives up to his/her name :)

  2. Yay! Congrats on a great heartbeat and measurements!

  3. Oh Red, I'm so excited for you!

  4. that is such fantastic news- YAY!

    And what a beautiful heartbeat rate too.


  5. Whew! Letting out a big sigh of relief with you. Almost to 12 weeks... hang in there, Lucky and mama!
