Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

17 January 2010


I awoke today, at 5 weeks into the pregnancy, to the familiar pregnancy feelings of aching hips, sore breasts, and the beginnings of vague nausea (I also ended last night with bloodied gums from brushing my teeth and blood on my tissue when I blew my nose). Of course I experienced all these symptoms with Muscles and still encountered the end of the pregnancy with empty arms.

So, far from shouting out my pregnancy symptoms from the tree tops, I am whispering them to my husband under the beds sheets.


  1. I have my fingers crossed for you.

  2. *whispering* yay and hoping everything is going great :)

  3. Thinking of you and believing that the third time's the charm.

  4. What a beautiful way to indulge in some "pillow talk"!

  5. These are good signs, regardless of what has happened in the past. Focusing on all the good things that will happen in the coming months!
